1. Value proposition
How clear is it who your brand is for, and the problem it solves?
1 = not clear at all. 10 = crystal clear and immediate.
2. Features vs benefits
Is your top-level content weighted more towards what you do (product, features, facts), or how you make your customers’ lives better (benefits, value)?
1 = heavily focused on what you do. 10 = heavily focused on the difference you make.
3. ‘We’ vs ‘You’
Does your copy contain more references to ‘we’ than it does to ‘you’?
1 = we, we, we. 10 = you, you, you.
1. Jargon & corporate waffle
Would a prospective customer understand all the terms and language you’re using?
1 = jargon & complexity-heavy. 10 = clear, simple, and not an acronym in sight.
2. Accessibility & inclusion
Do your words and language meet a reasonable reading-age requirement?*
1 = Well above or below FK Grade 8. 10 = Bang on FK Grade 8.
*The Flesch Kincaid readability calculator can help here. Search ‘good calculators Flesch Kincaid’, drop a paragraph of your web copy into the box and hit ‘Calculate’. Then do the same with two other paras. The widely-accepted reading age gold standard in FK is US Grade 8 (age 13).
3. Tone of voice
How clearly do your brand values and personality come through in your copy?
1 = Not clearly at all – we sound soulless. 10 = Loud and clear – sounds exactly like us.
1. Campaigns
What was your rough split of brand vs tactical marketing?
1 = Heavily weighted to one or the other. 10 = A pretty even split.
2. Sales presentations
Are you telling a clear, audience-first story that starts with a customer problem, then presents you as the solution – before finally highlighting the products/services that enable this?
1 = No story, and product first. 10 = Clear story with problem, solution, then product.
3. Tracking & measurement
Are you tracking brand associations and brand salience as well as short-term sales performance and ROI metrics?
1 = It’s all about the short-term numbers. 10 = We track the feelings and the figures.
1. What you’re saying
How similar is what they’re talking about to what you are?
1 = We’re all saying the same stuff. 10 = We’re saying totally different things.
2. How you’re saying it
How similar is the way they’re talking to the way you do?*
1 = Just like us. 10 = Worlds apart.
3. What you look like
How similar is their visual treatment to yours?
1 = We look identical. 10 = Completely unalike.