The four principles

The B2B More Human principles are a great place to start – each firmly grounded in our central premise. They’re a practical framework for building (and maintaining) a flourishing brand.

People before product

People like to be central characters in the story they’re being told. So start with the customer and their needs, not your shiny product and how great it is.

Only by truly understanding your audience can you deliver meaningful solutions to real problems. That way, you can present products, services or tools as solutions to human problems. And that makes them interesting.

The B2B brands that talk about themselves sometimes survive. But the ones that talk to their audience almost always thrive.

Let’s climb the benefit ladder

A good way of putting people before product is to use a simple device you may well have seen before – the benefit ladder. To illustrate how it works, here's how we used it for Preservica – a digital preservation software specialist.

Product > Product features > Product benefits > Customer benefits > Emotional	benefits

Digital preservation software


Active digital preservation

Manage content and metadata

Secure cloud storage

Catalogue & API integration

Product Features

Automatically keeps every file alive in future-friendly formats

Product Benefits

The confidence to access your files in their original state, no matter how old

Customer Benefits

Protecting the world’s cultural, economic, political social memory

Emotional Benefits

Finally, jump to a powerful emotional truth, in this case about the importance of global memory.

You can read more about the Preservica story here. And if you’d like to try walking your brand up the benefit ladder, we’d be more than happy to help you along the way.

Preservica story Schedule a call

People before product

Being natural makes you relatable. When you’re relatable you’re more likeable, which in turn makes you memorable. And when you’re memorable, then you’re really in business.

People crave authenticity – and the pandemic has turbo-charged this. CEOs now speak from bedrooms, as well as boardrooms. Meetings are paused by Amazon doorbells and pets pop up for unannounced cameos. In short, we’ve shown that we’re all basically the same behind the veneer.

What can B2B brands learn from all this? Ultimately, that vulnerability and imperfection breeds trust. Bottom line, an audience that ‘feels’ you will always be more likely to part with their pennies. And if you keep on being authentic, they’ll keep on investing in you.

A tale of two cookies

Here’s a simple experiment which shows the importance of keeping it real. Zenith Optimedia showed 450 people pictures of two different cookies, and asked one simple question: which would you rather eat?

The results were fascinating. Nearly two thirds of respondents preferred the imperfect cookie. It looked more appetising. More delicious. More real.

And that’s something that we in B2B marketing can really learn from. We often fall into the trap of thinking that we have to be super slick, shiny and corporate. But more often than not, it isn’t what people want from us. Something we were very aware of, when we recently helped Pepper Money develop a new way of talking to their customers.

Pepper Money story Schedule a call

Head and heart

Facts vs. feelings? It’s about balance and timing. Use emotive storytelling to connect and be remembered. And when your buyer’s set to buy, be ready to dish the data and let the features flow.

Because we’re human, we mainly make decisions based on emotion – and often, the bigger the decision, the more we rely on our heart. But we’ll always use our head to rationalise these decisions.

The aim of the game is to make your brand stick in people’s memories, give them reason to consider it and, when the time comes, serve up the facts they need to decide if it’s for them. B2B brands need to capture both their audience’s heads and their hearts – first with an emotive story that creates desire, and then with the factual bones that seal the deal.

‘The long and the short of it’

Binet & Field’s classic brand-building study, the ‘The Long and the Short of it: Balancing Short and Long-Term Marketing Strategies’, talks about this balance between emotional and rational.

Graph showing a campaign over time
Sales uplift over base
What you need over the long term is brand messaging that connects on an emotional level.
Price campaign
Features campaign
New product campaign
Always-on brand campaign

Our recent work with Coventry Building Society shows how balancing the head and the heart can help a business grow sustainably, over the longer term.

Coventry story Schedule a call

Dare to be different

Humans are fundamentally creative creatures. That’s why every one of us welcomes having a drab day interrupted by something a little different – and that includes marketing.

The B2B sector is blighted by ‘blanding’. When ‘bland’ sets the tone, it takes bravery to stand apart. The great news is that bravery is what people want. And with creative quality cited as being able to multiply profits by a factor of 12* (making it the biggest opportunity for competitive advantage), it’s what brands need to be doing.

The best B2B marketing doesn’t just educate, it entertains. Because when somebody’s entertained, they remember you. And with B2B buyers ‘shopping’ just 5% of the time, it’s hard to argue that anything beats being remembered.

* Source: WARC / Accelero Consulting

Why you should rock when everyone rolls

The next bit is going to sound pretty random, but we promise it’s relevant: can you tell who the most talked about band was at this recent death metal festival?

No idea? How about when we scroll further down.

Within what’s a very niche space – and with very strong category conventions – the band Party Cannon created a real stir by daring to be different. And we think that rocks.

It’s something we can all learn from in the B2B space – and a lesson we took to heart when we recently developed a new identity for BrookStreet des Roches.

BSDR story Schedule a call

Let’s talk, person-to-person

We know that all good B2B marketing is really person-to-person. So we’re ready and waiting for a chat.

If you’d like your brand to build more lasting relationships with your customers, it might just be the best 30 minutes you’ve spent in a while.

Schedule a call Book a workshop